Why Stevia?

A very important question, I am sure in everyone’s mind. However, we will answer this by first apprising you about other sweeteners before explaining the benefits of Stevia.
Artificial sweeteners like Aspartame, Saccharin and Sucralose that have been chemically formulated have been known to increase the risk of certain forms of cancer and cause headaches. These certifiable results were obtained by conducting a battery of tests that were conducted by expert teams of scientists at premier institutes around the world.
Adverse Impacts of Sugar, Aspartame, Sucralose and Saccharin
Studies have been conducted on other sweetening agents and the results that were obtained show the adverse effects they have on the human functioning.
The data obtained shows the negative impact of Sugar, Aspartame, Sucralose and Saccharin –
Why not to use Sugar (Sucrose)?
• Sugar is responsible for quickly boosting the energy while also delivering the body with excessive amounts of kilocalories (kcal). The large amount of kilocalories that are injected into the system are converted into unhealthy fat and stored in the body. This in turn results in obesity that plays an instrumental role in causing various diseases like the coronary heart disease and type II diabetes.
• Sugar is also liable for decreasing the efficiency of the immune system
• It impacts the appetite and thus increases the intake of food.
• Responsible for increasing the secretion of magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and chromium, Sugar diminishes the levels of biotin, chlorine and vitamin B1 in the body.
• Interfering with the transference of vitamin C in the body, Sugar amplifies the production of free radicals that in turn cause oxidative damage and accelerate the ageing process. It also diminishes the effects and benefits of vitamin E which is a strong and necessary antioxidant.
Detailed Information can be found on -
Why not to use Aspartame?
• Aspartame plays a crucial role in causing neurological changes that cause seizures, headaches, mood disorders as well as it negatively impacts the appetite i.e. increases the food intake.
• It is also known to destroy brain cells.
• As an inherently neuro-toxic drug, it increases the craving for carbohydrates, thus resulting in weight gain.
• Aspartame adversely affects the liver and makes it toxic which in turn makes it more difficult to reduce weight.
• Stevia and its products are being consumed on a massive scale in Japan for more than 3 decades now and over the years, no health problems have ever occurred from the usage of Stevia. However in the United States where Aspartame is consumed in large quantities, more than 75 percent of the health complaints have spurred out of using Aspartame.
Detailed Information can be found on -

Why not to use Sucralose?
• Sucralose is created by substituting 3 Chlorine atoms for 3 hydroxyl atoms in Sugar. When it is dissolved in water, it generates chlorinated monosaccharide’s that are linked to adversely impacting the reproductive organs as well as causing genetic damage.
• The chemically formulated Sucralose along with other artificial sweeteners are well known for bringing about laxative effects that include bloating, diarrhoea and gas.
• Chlorine, a recognized carcinogen is an important constituent of Sucralose. Studies that were conducted on Sucralose revealed that it causes thymus glands to shrink by up to 40 percent and enlarges the liver and the kidneys.
• Various research programs that were carried out on Sucralose verify that it is responsible for numbing the hind legs of male rats along with negatively affecting the liver, spleen and kidneys.
• Recent research also authenticates the fact that Sucralose and other artificial sweeteners stimulate appetite.
Detailed Information can be found on –
Why not to use Saccharin?
Studies that were conducted in the 1960’s indicated that Saccharin could have a carcinogen effect on animals. Way back in 1977, the increasing doubt on the actual impact of Saccharin on human health fuelled a study that tested the effects of consuming this artificial sweetener. The results obtained showed that when an increased amount of Saccharin was given to rats, it led to the formation of blister cancer. Canada forbade the use of Saccharin in the very same year. However, the American admission authority, the FDA could not ban the product as it met with a strong public opposition as Saccharin was the only artificial sweetener that was
available in the United States market. Even though it was not banned, any food that contained Saccharin had to feature a warning.
Why Stevia?
Stevia is perhaps the only sweetener in the world that does not have any negative effects on health. This fact is proven by the 150 odd scientific studies done on it that have gone on to validate the remarkable impact of Stevia on health and its fantastic therapeutic effects on the body. The specific reasons why Stevia should be your sweetener of choice are:
• Naturally sweetens
• Lowers elevated blood pressure
• Regulates pancreas and helps stabilize blood sugar levels
• Assists in weight loss and weight management
• Dilates blood vessels
• Kills microbes
• Rreduces inflammation
• Zero calories
• Zero carbohydrates
• 100-150 times sweeter than sugar

• Can resist heat up to 200 degree Celsius (377 degree Fahrenheit)
• Digestive aid that reduces gas and stomach acidity, soothes upset stomach, helps speed recovery from minor illnesses
• Acts as a general tonic which increases energy levels and mental activity
• Inhibits the growth and reproduction of bacteria that cause gum disease and tooth decay.
• Useful in healing a number of skin problems, skin tightening properties
• Cures and scratches heal more rapidly without scarring
• Eliminates dandruff, retains natural hair colour
• Increases glucose tolerance and inhibits glucose absorption
• Non-glycaemic
• Non- toxic
• PH stable (3-9)
• Anti-plaque
• Anti-oxidant
• Non- fermentable
• Flavour enhancer
• Reduces the craving for sugar and tobacco
• Suitable for all ages

So sweet Stevia is not only a natural substitute of sugar but also has benefits which no other chemical sweeteners can provide. The table below graphically places So Sweet in comparison to the other available sweetening options.

Comparison with Other Sweeteners